Academics: Educational Philosophy & Programs

We use a classically minded program with the intent to teach students the fundamentals and rules of each subject (grammar stage), the ordered relationships between each subject (logic stage), and how the grammar and logic of each subject can be effectively communicated (rhetoric stage). We strive to teach our students how to think and how to think about thinking, fully engaging the student in the learning process.

Grammar School: (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)

The grammar school takes place during kindergarten through 5th grade and encompasses the concrete phase of learning. The focus is on mastering the foundations of language arts, mathematics, science, history & Bible. We encourage memorization of the core concepts of these disciplines during this period, and we use a phonics-based system to teach reading and comprehension.

Logic School: (6th - 8th Grade)

The goal of the logic school is to transition students from a concrete mode of thinking to a more critical mode of thinking and takes place during 6th-8th grades. Rather than mere memorization of new information, the logic school emphasizes analytical reasoning and how knowledge relates to other knowledge. The formal study of logic is introduced during this phase in order to help students understand the process of asking questions in order to arrive at valid conclusions.

Rhetoric School: (9th - 12th Grade)

The final phase of classical schooling takes place over 9th-12th grades and focuses on abstract learning. During these years, the foundational knowledge of the grammar school is combined with the critical thinking of the logic school in order to articulate clearly to others reasonable opinions and conclusions through debates and persuasive writing. Communication is the central feature of the rhetoric school.