A Guide to Giving Back During the Holidays — and Getting Your Kids Involved

In a season of gift-getting, the importance of gift-giving can often get lost. It can be especially easy for kids to get caught up in building their holiday wishlists and forget that not everyone has the ability to do the same. If you’re planning on donating clothes, toys, or anything else this holiday season, you might consider getting your children involved — it’s a great teaching moment that can set them up for a lifetime of generosity. Here’s a guide to giving back as a family.

Why is it important to donate during the holidays?

Giving back is something you can do year-round, but the holidays are a great time to start. After all, it’s a season of spreading joy and sharing with others, even those outside of the family. This time of year can be difficult for many people, mentally and physically. That’s why we need to put smiles on each other’s faces as often as possible. According to a study at Indiana University, those who donate and volunteer often have a sense of well-being and better self-esteem, and it feels just as good to be on the receiving end.

In addition to making yourself and others feel good, giving back during the holidays helps those in need. Remember, not everyone has somewhere to come home to over the holidays. We often forget that it’s a luxury to afford a homemade meal, gifts for our children, and other necessities. Everyone deserves to feel good, safe, and taken care of.

The benefits of involving your kids in holiday donations

Giving back can start at any age. Children, especially, can benefit from doing so. As CMOSC reports, teaching kids about charity can help them develop several positive traits like generosity, empathy, responsibility, respect, fairness, optimism, and honesty. Like adults, children can also get a sense of community from giving back. That sense of community can give them a deeper connection to their roots and make them feel safe and like they belong.

Of course, giving back teaches a lesson in gratitude, too. It can help kids feel more appreciative of what they have, as they understand that not everyone has access to the same things.

Ways to involve your kids in donating to charity

Now, how do parents get started on donating with their kids? One idea is an annual cleanout around the holidays. You can work with your kids to pick out some of their gently used clothing and toys that they give to other children in need. If your family has pets, you and your kids can gather pet necessities for animal shelters. This way, you can reduce clutter in your home while also teaching your young ones to share.

Fidelity Charitable also suggests offering kids a three-part allowance: some money to save, some to spend, and some to give. The “giving allowance” can go to a charity of their choosing every few months. This is a great chance to introduce your kids to philanthropy and help them find causes that resonate with them.

Donations don’t have to be about tangible items or money — your kids can also donate their time. You might consider having family volunteer days where you donate your time to places, such as animal shelters and soup kitchens, or you organize something like a food drive.

No matter how you decide to involve your kids in giving back, it’s always good to talk to them about the “why.” Remind them why it’s important to donate and volunteer. Continue conversations about privileges they have that others might not. These discussions can help your children grow up with a genuine understanding of — and appreciation for — giving back.

Where to donate in Berks County

There are plenty of local charities and causes to give back to in Berks County. Consider checking out these organizations:


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